About Me

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Cajun Gone Country
I'm a stay-at-home mom of 4. I raise silkies, seramas and cochin chickens as a hobby. I'm a gamer, mostly world of warcraft. I do crafts, bow making, tshirts, anything that catches my eye.
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Saturday, May 12, 2012
Welcome, thank you for following, now maybe i can start writing daily. Basically how i work, like most blogs, i post sales, product likes and dislikes, and maybe a few craft ideas i came across I have a few products I do sell including hairs bows, headbands, tutu's, and some embroidery items :). mostly here to meet people, make friends, and share ideas. So if you have anything that you've bought recently or even a while ago that you just can't live without share it here. I'm sooooo about the enabling!!!


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